Xpr7550e boots up into "emergency" mode

Hello All,

I just purchased a new XPR 7550E using 2.0 CPS. When I boot up the radio, it goes into this EMERGENCY mode/channel (see attached). Keypad is locked as well as the side buttons. I have tried the ORANGE emergency button but it has no effect. I have tried to turn it off using the CPS and haven’t found the right settings. Would anyone have any suggestions?


Does that not mean it cannot access a repeater network, and is looking for one - the emergency meaning that is the only thing it will try to send?

Yes, it was configured, somewhere, to go into this mode immediately upon boot-up. After doing further research, I found that I had an old version of firmware on the radio. I went to “My View” account in Motorola Solutions and loaded the newer firmware to Recover the radio. I should be OK now.


That was lucky! Good you fixed it.