Wouxun KGUVD1p

You’ve seen them on Ebay… but now gathering steam in the USA. I have one. It is awesome! The FCC gave them
Part 90 type acceptance for commercial use, which implies Part 15 Approval.

This is a dual band, 2 meter/70 cm radio (a model with 2m/220 is also avalable)

Mine performs great, and has a lot of flexibility. You do need the programming software and cable… it is a help for a radio that was designed for commercial use.

They were sold at Hamvention… but sold out before I got mine.

My friend has one.

It has great audio and very easy to use. Highly recommended.

I got my second one now :slight_smile: Got the 2 meter/440 version and the 2 meter/220 version. Astounding radios. Can’t recommend them enough.

I just got one and am new to uhf and repeaters. Is there anything I can do with this rig without the software? I have heard a couple of repeaters, but I’ve been unable to contact anyone. Can I make any contacts without the software?

Yes you can. The software just makes it much easier… plus enables more functionality. The manual should get where you want to go. If you keyed up the repeaters, you are good… just no one was there.

This Yahoo group is full of helpful info:


I’m saving my shekels for one or two. :wink:

I have 3 now :slight_smile:

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Hi Guys

I am new here and only have a midland lxt range cheapo two way to my name. We used it during our holidays in Orlando incase we got lost!

I was looking for upgrade to a better model.

But a little confused - is this wouxun kgugvd1p a two way radio you can use without any license?

I have heard about this model and lots of people say it great but will two of them act as a two way for personal use or is it a radio where you need to sit exams to own.

I am reading as much as I can on radios but thought it will be better to ask as I am sure someone will be able to answer the question quicker than half a days reading.

Based in Wales, UK and plan to use radios in UK and abroad on holidays in the US and Europe.

I think there is a few exams in the UK you can take for radio use, but getting confused if more complex (better specs models) two ways need exams to pass to use.

Also if this wouxun can be used a a two way - it looks the part.

Many thanks G
ps back to the reading

Pretty much you would need a license to use that radio at all. The only license free service in the UK is pmr-446, and I’m pretty sure the Wouxun does not conform to the rules regarding pmr-446.

Other than that, only commercial, public safety, and amateur users can use that radio… all of these services are licensed services.

Hope that answered your question…


Many thanks for the reply, I shall head to a local radio group and get the full low down on the license part - just wondering if I can get away with a basic license and if two of these can be setup to talk to each other for the house.

These seem to have some great specs and wonder if there is any two ways that come close to this with regards to specs vs price.

Thanks for the info - much help and need to get more info in order to track down a affordable pair.

My midlands are ok but very basic. I think I better hit the other parts of the forum to get more info on some good two ways. But explore this set as well for a more advance set to play with.

cheers G

Looking for some help. I recently bought a Wouxun KGUVD1p and are pleased with it. The question I have is in the saftware you can add and remove channels from the SCAN in the radio. I was wanting to know how to add and remove a channel from the scan group from the front keypad? Sometimes I’ll have a channel I want add to the scan group and other than the saftware I don’t know how to do it.


Not possible unless you have the software… sorry.

Who getting bad info? You didn’t refer to the person. I own Wouxun radios, and my experience is also confirmed by other Wouxun users.

I wound up getting the KG-UV3D. My favorite HT “ever.”

Also got the USB programming cable. Took minutes to set up. Steep learning curve, though.

Yeah, they have done a lot of upgrades as requested by users… there is supposedly a UV6D in the works… this will address the 2.5 khz step issue.

Well I have owned the Wouxun for just over a year and for the price I didn’t expect too much. Only down side I have seen so far is some intermodulation in city areas but value for money I would have to rate it 4.5 out of 5.
Sure it is no Icom Kenwood or Yaesu but it is less than half the price, in bang for the buck it has provided reliable communications.
Wouxun KGUVD1p has just had it’s type approval withdrawn here, some one at the MED just found out how far out of band they would transmit.
As well as 2 meters and 70cm the radio also covers PRS (what Americans would call FRS) operating on 476/477 mhz and no problem for the Wouxun to cover that band and the PRS repeater split is in the Wouxun menu already.