Wouxun KG-935G squelch tail problem

I have been unable to eliminate the squelch tail on my Wouxun KG-935G ht. It’s quite annoying. I’ve tried turning on/off the RPT-TONE setting per Menu item 51 to no avail. I’ve also tried doing a factory reset of settings without success. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

The RPT-TONE setting eliminates the tone that your radio sends at the end of a transmission, which eliminates the squelch tail for the radio someone receiving your transmission. It doesn’t prevent you from hearing a squelch tail. That is why you don’t notice a difference on your 935G. I’m not sure what to do about the tail you are hearing.

Thanks for your response. I went back and re-read my manual regarding RPT-TONE and it makes sense to me now. I’m beginning to think there is no setting for the KG-935G for eliminating repeater squelch tail. I have other hts that can do this easily. Thanks again!