Which 2 way radio for best range?

What brand/model 2 way radio is best for range? Price does not matter. Can you use the bussiness ones I see on here like the expensive kenwoods as personal use? Some say the midlands 800s but is there any with further range I would like one for personal use that you can change the antenna on it and get a longer one for more range? I dont care about repeaters just one I can get the longest range with changing the antenna with personal use?

If you are looking for the most range possible out of a personal radio, without using a repeater, and cost is not a concern, I would recommend the Kenwood TK3202L programmed to GMRS frequencies.

The Kenwood TK3202L is a fully programmable 4 watt business radio. We are often asked to program this model to GMRS frequencies by people looking for a high quality GMRS radio, or a replacement for the discontinued Kenwood TK3101.

You’ll see the Midland GXT800VP4 recommended often on here, and it is a great choice for many situations. The Kenwood is in an altogether different class, however.

Hello -
This is probably a very novice question, as I just came across this site looking for an upgrade to a Kenwood TK3101. Is there a reason Kenwood quit making GMRS radio’s? I am told the only way to get a new radio that is compatible with my old ones is through custom programming. Is this a long process? What can I expect to pay to get this done?

Again - this may be covered in other threads that I couldn’t find, it is mainly out of curiosity.
If anyone can help out with a short and sweet answer I would greatly appreciate it!


so what ha\s the logger range? Modland gx1000 or Cobra’s 900?