What is the latest on Midland GTX 5000

When do you expect shipment of the Midland GTX 5000?

The last we heard from Midland, the GXT5000 was expected to be available again between the end of December 2012 and January 2013.

We will continue to watch for it and update everyone in the forums and on our blog as more information becomes available.

It is mid January 2013. Any news as to when or if the GTX 5000 will be available in 2013?

Midland informed us last week that the GXT5000 would be available February 15, 2013.

Of course, they also said January, and before that, December 2012. So as far as actual availability, your guess is as good as ours.

Just wanted to post a quick update here. I spoke with Midland today about the GXT5000 and they are now estimating a ship date of 3/31/2013. I wouldn’t hold my breath though. :slight_smile: