I have purchased four UV390’s from your site.
The issue I am having is transmitting encrypted (RC4, AES128, AES256, etc) voice (DMR) over simplex. Sometimes it works, in that the voice is decrypted on the other radios, and sometimes it doesn’t. Sometimes on just one of the radios, sometimes on all of the radios. This issue is present on both Private and Group calls. Unencrypted voice (DMR) always works, both in simplex, and via repeater. Data (text) calls, always work (Private and Group). Uncrypted voice always works.
Is this a known issue? If so, is it due to a setting in the CPS software?
I am using CPS version 2.34 and the radio firmware on all of the radios is S219.043
I have tried both the stock keys, and a user generated keys.