Special orders? different answers from different people

Can buytwowayradios do special orders? I sent a request for pricing on three Motorola UHF 1/2 wave rubber ducky antennas, complete with the Motorola stock number. I received a reply from one customer service rep that buytwowayradios could order them for me and have them in 1 to 2 weeks.

When I replied to the email, I got a new customer service rep who told me they don’t carry the antennas I wanted.

I suppose you always run that risk when you deal with a new rep every time you send in an email, but I included the complete text of the first reply with my request to order.

I suppose I can special order locally, but I wanted to try buytwowayradios because I have been a member of these forums for a while and have always respected the good information on here.

Ok, I am going to walk over and ask about this, we do not have that many sales folk. And yes we try very hard to special order anything we do not stock.

This is now being looked into, and the situation is being addressed. I am sorry about any confusion this may have caused. Like I mentioned, we try very hard to find what people are looking for. Sometimes we are not able to get the item, but we try to keep everyone informed and not pass on conflicting or misleading information.

Someone should be contacting you with a definite answer on this. There is a lot of cool tech out there and we cannot carry it all. However, our policy is to do everything we can to get what people want. We special order things all of the time, so thank you for bringing this to my attention.

Thanks for getting back to me so quickly Jeff.

See? I told you I love this forum!

By the way, this was dealt with instantly; my special order arrived at buytwowayradios quickly, is now on its way to me as I speak, and I followed through with my plan to order another Motorola DTR radio from you folks at the same time.

Sometimes I think that it’s not how they handle it when things go smooth, it’s how they handle it when potential problems arise that define good retailers.

Thanks again folks.

(Maybe I can repay the favour a bit in the future by helping people out on this forum if the decide to try the Motorola DTR-series radio.)

I am now like a kid in a candy store, waiting for the postman!