S08 Code on Wouxun KG-UVD1P Handie

Hi All. I was gifted a Wouxun KG-UVD1P hand Held radio recently.
On inspection I noticed that the battery was blown (bloated). So I ordered a battery iliminator to replace it.
The radio now powers up, but shows what looks like a fault code “S08”. (S zero 8.)
Also the radion is permanently locked. When I press and hold the bottom left “Lock” key it just repeats the word “Lock”.
With the radio in this locked state I cannot access the Menu to attempt a factory reset.
I was wondering if any members of the forum had come across this problem or similar, and could possibly help me find a way around it?

Many thanks in advance.

Steve. M7HME

I don’t have this radio although I have several other Wouxun HAM and GMRS radios. I was searching for keypad codes for Wouxun radios to use when you turn the radio on and found a reference to “Dealer mode” for your particular radio. The procedure:

“Press and hold the 8 key while turning the radio on. Keep holding it until you see ------ come up on the display. Then enter the code 268160. Dealer mode will remain active until the radio is power cycled.”

I have not tried this on any of my radios so try this at your own risk, although, If it is locked and you can’t get in I’m not sure you could hurt anything.

Thanks for the suggestion.
Yes you’re correct. Its pretty useless at the moment, so can do no harm.
I will give
it a try and let you know how I get on.

Many thanks.

Steve M7HME.