Review of XLT TM100-MT Throat mike (Motorola Version)

This microphone has a plastic loop that goes around the neck and picks up sound from throat vibrations. The PTT button and earpiece are on separate cords on the assembly.

Initially cumbersome to unroll and get situated, I soon figured it out.


There’s a lot going on. A lot of wires to get tangled. Not optimum if you are busy moving around, watchning the kids and so forth.

Sound quality: Transmitted audio is muffled, not good reproduction. Background noise is virtually eliminated, which is the only plus here.

Received audio is not very accurate and volume levels are too low to be used in anything but the quietest environments.

This assembly is not too durable and could get torn apart if caught on something.

I do not like this unit and give it a 2 out of 10.