Receiving transmission trouble

I have these two handhelds

Cobra microtalk FRS 110
Midland F-10

I set them both to the same channel and transmit from the Midland the Cobra picks it up fine. Cobra will sit silent, and then will activate just as the Midland sends, then go silent again. If I transmit from the Cobra to the Midland, the Midland won’t pick up anything unless I’m holding down the MON button listening to static.

I’ve looked at the manual here:

It says pressing the MON opens the squelch, but it is the only way I can pick up the transmission. Seem strange to have a radio that can only receive when your holding down a button. I’ve tried all the different scan settings, no change.

Any ideas?

According to the manuals, these models do not seem to have any privacy codes (interference eliminator codes) that can be set, so it rules out that possibility. Have you tried to transmit from the Cobra to another FRS radio on the same frequency? If it works, the problem may be with the Midland radio.

Thanks for the feedback. I haven’t tried that yet as I don’t have a third radio. These were just given to me by a family member and I thought I’d try to have some fun with my boy. might just have to tape the button down for the time being.
I’ll be able to test with a third eventually.