Questions about the Wouxun KG-UVD1P

I just bought a new KG-UVD1P ht and it seems to be a good little rig for the money. I have a couple of questions.

  1. Am I overlooking something or is there no way to toggle back and forth from memory mode (what I programmed into the ht) to VFO mode? I can’t seem the find the keystrokes to do that using the manual.

  2. Might there be better programming software for this ht? What came with it in a word, stinks.

73 and I hope someone can answer my questions.

                                                              Bill in NW Ohio

Menu+TDR will do the channel/vfo toggle. KG-UV Commander is excellent free software.

A BIG thank you, jwilkers!

One more question to you jwilkers or anyone else;

When the HT is put into “SCAN” the displays backlight and the keyboard light never time out, always on. It does shut off if the squelch is opened and locks on a busy channel.

I thought that is about the dumbest thing I’ve ever seen. Drain the battery faster while in scan, dah.

The only way I seen to keep the battery from draining faster while in scan was to shut the backlight off but then you must turn it back on again to see the display better later. Again, dumb.

Is there a setting I missed to have the backlight time out no matter what mode you put the radio in?

Thanks again… 73 Bill in Ohio

Sorry… that option isn’t there :frowning: We all think the way the light works sucks.

Hands down, the KG-UV Commander program puts the one that comes with the HT to shame!

You just gotta wonder why such trash was written in the first place.

Again, thanks for your help, jwilkers

73 Bill N8FIS in Fremont, OH.

I’m also having trouble & in need of some advice. I can not seem to be able to get the USB driver to work. I run Windows 7 on my computer. I have downloaded from Wouxun’s web site & also from the disc that came with the USB cable many times. I’ve tried resetting the comport. Nothing seems to work. Has anyone had the same trouble & overcome it?

Best source for info:

The drivers on the CD are useless. It is best to try the drivers in the files section of the above group. It took me a bit to get the right drivers set up too.

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