Puxing PX-888 Not Working with GRMS/FRS

Hi Guys,

I currently picked up a Puxing Px-888 for hunting since my old Motorola handheld’s dont seem to have to have the range anymore with all the brush and such. Anyway I programmed the PX-888 to the GRMS/FRS Freq. Now he is where i run into the problem. I can receive talk and everything else on the Puxing fine from my Motorola. But when I go to Transmit back to the Motorola from my Puxing all I hear on the Motorola is Static and the line opening and closing. Any Ideas?

O here are my Spec BTW

Squelch 5
Step 25K
Power- High
Narrow or Wide - Narrow

Thanks Guys!

Bear in mind, the PX-888 is not approved by the FCC for use in the USA on any service. As such, I cannot help.

Only type-accepted equipment may be used on FRS/GMRS

[Moderator Note: Thread closed, due to discussion of illegal equipment]

Researching legality of radios… may have been in error… thread re-opened.

My apologies to Connor and the forum for hasty ruling… last info i had only the PX-777 had an FCC ID

Still debateable… no fcc id shows up on this model. (px-888)

Confirmed… no FCC approval… thread re-closed

As of today, Puxing has only one FCC Type acceptance.

Puxing is Grantee Code UBY to the FCC.

One Grant currently, for UBYQZPUXING02, a VHF Handietalkie, Part 90, the PX-777.

Check: Go to the FCC here:


Enter Grantee Code UBY
