PopComm Trisquare review and the new age of 2way radio!

I read it the Popular Communications review of the TSX 300s linked to at this site’s blog.


I learned more than ever.

Honestly… TriSquare is probably poised to revolutionize the consumer two way radio market! They have the patents locked down and are ready to license the technology.

They came in at the right time when people are getting frustrated. Crowded channels. Legal GMRS licensees frustrated by all the unlicensed “pirates”…

I will let my GMRS license lapse in 2 years and only stick with TriSquare products.

Trisquare folks are winners!

Are they going to increase the range of the radios?

I was impressed that the reviewer was able to communicate through a 55 story building. That’s almost unheard of with 4 watt UHF radios unless you have a repeater.

Here’s a link to the blog post that jwilkers is referring to. I’ll probably start a new thread on this in the Reviews forum tomorrow.

I would also like to encourage everyone to subscribe to Popular Communications magazine. Those guys deserve a lot of credit for putting together such a detailed review. Let’s encourage them to keep up the good work.

They really did their homework. They dug deep.

Again… TriSquare is in a perfect position. They got the patents and trademarks and are prepared to license the technology to others.

The got into the market at the perfect time.

All the consumers need to do is buy the products…

Danny… how are your sales of these units?

I was seriously thinking of trying a pair of these out , but
I am a little disapointed at the range claims made in the guide for these radios that is on best buys website, “up to 100 miles”???
geez, I thought the other manufacturers claims were outrageous.
Maybe best buy made that one up , who knows?
Here is a snippet…
“The usable range of eXRS is equivalent or greater than other portable UHF (including FRS/GMRS) two-way radios. Usable range of UHF radios varies significantly with the conditions of use. For example with large or many obstructions between users, range could be less than a mile, and with clear (line-of-sight) between users, range could extend to more than one hundred miles.”

Those range claims were certainly NOT made by Trisquare… they aren’t playing that game.

I can PM you the link if you want to read it, I did not think it appropriate to post it here as they are competitors to this site.
I thought it might be a “best buy” imbellishment to the info guide.
I think TriSquare would want to know such a thing though.

Richard, What is actually meant is that all good quality UHF radios are physically capable of this range, but only under the most optimal of line-of-sight conditions. It is unlikely any user will ever have 100 miles of clear line-of-sight and with optimal conditions. In space, these radios will have a range of approximately 814 miles. That statement in Best Buy’s eXRS Radio Guide was not meant to imply that eXRS or any UHF radio users should expect 100 mile range. TriSquare refuses to advertise a range in miles because it varies greatly depending on terrain and environmental conditions. Realistic range for any UHF radio, including eXRS is a few blocks to a few miles, and with longer ranges possible under optimal conditions.

I totally get the concept of special circumstances or even freakish conditions affecting propagation, I have been a shortwave listener and AM DXer for many years,
but why even use such a thing as a selling point when the odds of it ever happening are almost nonexistant?

I think the 25 mile claims of other radios are just as bad, but Best Buy’s claim is by far(no pun intended) the worst of all.
I never plan on using any walkie talkie in space or from the top of MT. Everest.
It just hurts sales when people who know nothing about radio wave propagation expect this kind of performance and find that 1/4 to one mile is
likely all they will get in their neighborhood and then tell others that the product is “junk” because they did not get their 25 or 100 miles.
These stores should have to answer to someone.
If they were allowed to state theoretical possibilties as fact in other products, we would soon have 1890s style ads for products that cure cancer as well as
making a great floor wax because theoreticly it might be possible.
Reality should be the guidelines.