Need help please

Hi everyone,
I am new to the forum and joined because I’ve enjoyed reading the posts and also because I have a question.
We recently got a set of three Talkabout 2-Way Radios, Model MD200TPR. Two of them work fine but the third one when you turn it on, it’s nothing but squelch, when you key the mic it will stop while you talk and maybe stay off but the next time you transmit then the squelch will stay on again. It has been like this since we took them out of the box. We have adjusted the squelch, changed frequencies, and have tried everything we could possibly think of but to no avail. This isn’t our first set of radios but we have never had this problem before.
If anybody could help us with this please, we would sure appreciate it.
Thanking you in advance. :confused: :slight_smile:


Unfortunately you’ve got a defective radio. The problem you describe is almost like the radio is stuck in monitor mode, but that would clear up after a power cycle. I ran your question by an engineer at Giant (the company that makes Motorola Talkabout radios) just to be sure there wasn’t something that I’m not aware of, but he agrees that it’s defective.

If you bought it from us here at Buy Two Way Radios just give us a call or send us an email and we’ll get you a replacement on the way!

Thank you Danny for your quick response, we greatly appreciate it. They were given to us as a gift for Christmas and unfortunately the gift giver no longer has receipt/proof of purchase (but they were not purchased from Buy Two Way Radios). We just took them out of the box last week as we’ve had a few nice days here (in Iowa) and thought we’d use them but soon learned the one was defective. So now I guess we don’t know what our next step is. :frowning: Do you have any suggestions?
Thanking you in advance.

If the radios were purchased for a Christmas present you’re going to be past our return policy, but these radios have a full year warranty with the manufacturer. If the radios were purchased from us I can email a copy of the receipt to you, and you can send the defective radio in to the manufacturer. They’re pretty easy to work with on a warranty exchange.

You can send me a private message on here with the buyer’s name and zip code and I’ll send you a link to your receipt. Or if you prefer, you can call our sales team at 800-584-1445 or send them an email. Once you get your receipt, you can contact Giant at 1-800-638-5119 about sending the radio in for a replacement.

As noted in my previous post, the radios were not purchased from you, but thank you for your help.

Sorry about that, for some reason I didn’t see the word not in your sentence about where they were purchased :slight_smile:

You may want to contact Giant anyway and see what they have to say. The first MD200 radio was released in May of last year, so it is actually impossible for you to have had the radios longer than the warranty period (1 year). They usually handle returns well, so maybe they’ll work with you since it’s obvious the radio isn’t out of warranty. Please let us know how it goes!

Thank you. We will contact them and keep you updated. Thanks again for your help, it is greatly appreciated! :slight_smile: