Need a Pair of Two Way Radios

Hi there to Every1 at the Forum. I’m Federico from Argentina, yep! Miles and Miles away…

Soon on this month of September a friend of mine is traveling to the U.S, to be exact He will be in Las Vegas for 10 days. So, I ask him to bring me a Pair of 2-Way radios directly from USA.

By PRICE/BENEFITS I was looking for those Motorola T9500 XLR or T9550 XLR Camo. $ 74.99 / $ 84.99 respectively.

My question is Where could MY friend Go to buy me those Radios There in Las Vegas ? Or Else, is there any possibility to Ship them to the Hotel in where he will be ?

Thank you All!

/ Dr.Frequency /
from Argentina (to contact Me)

We can ship these radios to your friend’s hotel in Las Vegas. We are in South Carolina, so it would take 5 days for the package to ship across the country and be delivered in Vegas. Just place your order 4 or 5 days before your friend will arrive, and the radios will get there at the same time as him.


Danny, Do I have to pay them first, or can my friend paid them when they arrive to the Hotel in Vegas. What’s the shiping price in that case from South Carolina to Las Vegas ?

You would have to pay for them in advance by either credit card, money order, wire transfer, or Western Union. The shipping price would be around $8 for one set, and slightly more for each additional set.


Danny wich is the actual Price of the models T9500 XLR and T9550 XLR CAMO by Motorola ?

Oh oh…

Careful. These radios may not be legal in Argentina. Remember, each country has different allocations of radio frequencies. Use of FRS/GMRS is only authorized in the USA and Canada.

You could be interfering with police, fire, military, etc.

You need to check your communications regulations.

Thanks for your response Jwilkers.

I was looking forward and I saw that those radios GMRS/FRS are being solded in our country, In fact, those Motorola’s T9550 are actually solded here >>

But, these people sold them in U$S 141 (DOLARS) !!! Yeah, I know they’re really crazy 'cause Danny’s Price is u$s 84.99, as $ 270 Argentine pesos.

A friend of mine is going to the US, He will be in Las Vegas so he can receive the package with the radios in his Hotel… I think…, =)

I think that the Forum is Great for people like me looking for the best buy in 2-Way Radios !

Thanks to the Community,
your new argentinian friend,
:: Dr.Frequency ::

OK… if they are being sold in your country, then they are probably legal.

I see your point… have your friend get them in the USA and save you a whole lot of money.

I just checked rules…it looks like channels 1-7(FRS) are totally legal in your nation, as well as Brazil, in South America. Some sources say ALL FRS (1-14) are legal. The GMRS frequencies 15-22 is inconclusive.

Nonetheless, it looks like you are good to go. If you travel to Brazil, you can use them there too :slight_smile:


Great info, thanks for posting that as it should help others out as well.

I probably need to start a thread with legalities for frequencies in other countries that we can keep updated as we learn more. Seems like we’re getting a lot of questions from people wanting to use radios in other countries.


Am I the first member in Argentina ? je! :slight_smile:

nice to be in touch with you, and Thanks for your help.

Danny, we will be in touch for the pair of 2-way radios. Also I’ll look to the way to send you the money inluding the shiping price. :wink:

Europe can’t use them, since the frequencies GMRS/FRS use are on their fire frequencies. There are maybe only 5 other nations that authorize any portions of the FRS/GMRS freqs… Canada, Argentina, Brazil, Taiwan and maybe a couple more. there is no single source for information, and a lot is scattered. I researched to help our friend from Argentina.

All Right! Thanks really for your help. You honestly have a friend in Argentina, yeah, thats Me!

I have a question now. In my city (slash “neighbourhood”), there is no buildings. So… wich is the range that can I reach with a a pair of, (for example) Motorola’s T9550 2-Way Radios.

I don’t know, ([sorry about that, I hope you don’t get angry with me :wink: jeh]) wich is the difference between FRS and GMRS. I guess then that GMRS are HIGHER FREQUENCIES that FRS ones… But… I’m not really sure…

thanks A LOT !

Federico H. Giménez (a.k.a Dr. Frequency)
Two Way Radio Forum (recent member)

If there are no buildings and you are in a fairly open area, that is going to allow you to get more range than if you were in a more dense, urban area. I expect that you will get 1-2 miles of range out of the radios, and possibly more if the terrain is very open.

Regarding FRS and GMRS, basically these are two groups of frequencies (although some frequencies are shared between the services) that have been set aside by the FCC here in the United States for consumer use. Each service has a different set of rules and restrictions. FRS can be used without a license, but the power output is severely limited and there are restrictions on the type of radio allowed. GMRS allows you to transmit at higher power, but an $85 license (good for 5 years) is required.


The Motorola’s T9550 can operate in GMRS Frequencies ? By operating in GMRS can I reach a better range of communication between two 9550’s ?

Yes channels 1-7 and 15-22 on the Motorola T8550 are GMRS, and will transmit at higher power than channels 8-14. On the GMRS channels, you will likely get 1-2 miles of range with these radios. On the FRS channels, it will likely drop to 1/4 to 1/2 mile.
