Motorola Talkabout T9510 R two way Radio

I am in Toronto Canada.I bought Motorola talkabout T9510R but the range is about one mile while they advertised 40 km…Is there any way to increase the range at least to 20 km,inside Toronto city??
Kindly provide me a list of all, low price two way Radio set ,which have actual/real high range of 25 miles inside city like Toronto Canada.

You fell for it! It’s sadly the biggest bit of sales hype in the radio world, and it’s rather like the claims fro broadband speed we have here in the uk - “up to Xmegabits” when it’s hardly ever that speed.

NO radio can ever have ranges given that are accurate that will impress.

In built up area, these radios will struggle to do half a mile between radios, often less. However, if you stand on a mountain peak and a friend has the other on another mountain peak in the distance, 20 miles away, it will almost certainly work. Move away so a mountain is between you - as in going 20ft down the other side and it’s gone.

25 miles in a city environment is practically an impossibility between hand-held radios of any price and power, unless you use repeaters. These are radios sited on tall buildings that can hear you, then they radiate your messages out to anyone in the area - they’re the middle of a circle, and anyone within the circle can talk to anybody else. The repeater does the work, not the radios. Many repeaters are commercial types and they will charge you monthly terms to use them, and they may hire you the radios too. You cannot just buy a radio and use them on these systems. Range wise - a 10 mile radio coverage in a circle gives a maximum service area of 20 miles across, but be aware that in this area there will be black spots where they don’t work. Many of these systems can be linked together so you can have multiple areas linked together, and extra cost of course.

There is NOT any radio you can buy that will give reliable inner city coverage, radio to radio direct over more than maybe 2 or 3 miles. The physics just prevents it.

Your problem isn’t even money - it’s just technical limits. A $500 radio will not give greater range than many cheap radios costing less than $50. The differences are in quality, reliability and technical features - range is not one of them.

[QUOTE=paulears;28247]You fell for it! It’s sadly the biggest bit of sales hype in the radio world, and it’s rather like the claims fro broadband speed we have here in the uk - “up to Xmegabits” when it’s hardly ever that speed.
NO radio can ever have ranges given that are accurate that will impress.

Thank you very much for answer with big explanation.After buying Motorolla Talkabout,I will not buy any other radio.

This article may help explain the range issue. Ii was primarily written to clarify the range claims made by manufactureres of consumer FRS/GMRS radios, but also applies to radios in general.

GMRS Radio Range Chart

The thing with radios is that they obey the laws of physics - so a man in the space station can talk to you in any country of the world as he passes overhead from horizon to horizon - you with your little radio and him with his. However, if you are in the basement of the building, getting as far as the roof can be an impossibility. What range would be accurate? Can you do a long way on battery power? Yes - under certain conditions. When you buy a car they tell you how many mpg you get - but my van manages nearly 10mpg better than the manufacturer says because I have a light foot, while my friend with the same vehicle gets less than the manufacturer says because he drives differently.

If you want to use radios, they can be very useful, but range MUST have a context.