Motorola - Midland comaptibility?

Have a need to pick up a couple of new radios and want to make sure that they will work with our existing setup.

We are a family of hunters - spend a lot of time in the hills and constantly use our 2-way radios, which currently consist of Motorolas with “privacy codes”

Motorola Talkabout T5000R
Motorola TalkAbout 250

I’m looking to add a couple of new radios to the mix (and probably going to get the FCC GMRS license) - looking at the Motorola 9500 or Midland GXT-800 and wondering the Midlands would be compatible with our existing radios privacy codes.

I have friends who use the motorola T9500 and the midland 850’s together, so at least some of the channels and codes are compatible witrh each other.