Motorola GP68

I am looking for a radio to use in Public Service (Fire Department), and I am looking at the Motorola GP68. I am NOT a radio guy, so I am looking to anyone to offer honest advise.

I have found a few on EBAY, and I’m looking to bid, but before I do, will this radio work in that capacity? From your experience can this operate (transmit and receive) without a lot of technical skills? What I have seen so far from, this unit is not supported in the US. I realize what that means-Buyer Beware, but can I field program this unit without a Masters in Aerospace Calculations? or software, as it sounds un-obtainable??

Please help me with whatever feedback you can, and Thanks in advance.

In a public service position I would stay FAR away from the GP-68 for the reason(s) you mentioned.
A private party “flying under the radar” can usually get away with such an illegal radio.

In fact, if you are not radio savvy, or do not have a good relationship with a local Moto dealer (for service and programming), I would stay FAR away from Moto all together.

You might want to give us a call. We have the two tone / full-featured radios, and more, that fire departments use. This way we can make sure what you get works with other department members, etc… and is also, well legal to use.

1-800-584-1445 or send us an email.

A friend of mine works for Motorola. He was testing the 360. I like it very well