Motorola 356R Talk About - GMRS ? GMRS Repeater Channel Set Up and Using a Repeater

Hello, I am new to GMRS. Just got my $85.00 FCC GMRS license.
I am very green in GMRS and Radio at this point, but I will by studying for HAM License in a few months,

Here is my question. I am joint a local repeater club, I have been given permission to access repeater.

So here is what I know
Motorola TalkAbouts Repeater Channels are enabled,
Frequency is 462.675 MHz and personal tone is 146.2

According to Motorola Owners Manual

Channel 20R has a Rx MHz of 462.6750 and under the tone codes for 146.2 is 23

So both radios are set to channel 20R and code 23.

Went to a very high location, scanned, and could hear others on different Repeater Channels but I could not communicate with the other Talk About a mile away, what am I missing here, is there another setting I’m missing,

Any help much appreciated

I just bought the same radios last night.

I noticed that if you want to talk from radio to radio via a repeater you need to select that repeater channel with the “R” in the display, after programming the correct PL tones.

You might have noticed that on the repeater channel programming you can select 2 different PL tones, one for transmitting and one for receiving. I found this out by mistake.

If you do not want to talk via the repeater (talk-around), but still talk on the same channel that the repeater is on (handheld to handheld), you will need to select that same channel with out the “R”.

I do not know how it will perform at the 1.5 Watt max output here in the neighborhood in symplex mode. I don’t expect it to perform as well as my 4 watt handhelds.

My Midland handhelds ( not repeater capable ) and ICOM handhelds ( repeater capable ) are 4 watts and I get about 1.5 to 2 miles in the urban neighborhood on symplex.

Hope this helps,

Angel Munoz