Midland GXT1000 Volume Issue

Hello! I am a site director for an after-school childrens program. We average around 60-70 children K-8.

We bought some Midland radios to cover the broad area that our group go (playground, gym, cafeteria…etc) - - We also got some of those dorked out FBI headset looking things so that we can actually HEAR each other when things get loud. We took off the stock earpiece and substituted in earpieces from surefire (comm-ear) for comfort since during the summer we have those things in our ears for 8 hrs…It has worked pretty well - - until…

It seems that after one summer of use, we can’t really hear each other in the headsets anymore. This is a huge problem! When my group leaders can’t hear me and vice-versa…it negates the whole point of having radios.

Does anyone have any ideas? A different aftermarket headset (not too too expensive…) ? Has anyone else had similar problems?

Basically, I need to get these things reliable again. Any and all ideas are welcome! I even took one of our beat up radios apart to see if there was somewhere I could turn up the gain…