Midland / Alan HM70

We have an Alan HM70 lowband pmr which has locked up on the switch-on screen.

On power on it illuminates and displays the Alan splash screen but nothing else either happens automatically nor can anything be made to happen via the key pad.

We can’t even try to program the unit since it does not respond to the keypad at switch on to get into programming mode.

Nothing has turned up on the web so I wondered if anyone out there has come across these units (made by CTE) and knows an answer to this fault.

Many thanks

Dale H

I am not familiar with this model but it looks like it is or was sold in the UK. Does it have a key lock feature? If so, it is possible the key lock is enabled. This would prevent the keys on the keypad from responding.

Hi Rick.

There’s no mention of a key lock anywhere in the user manual the customer provided us with nor on the cd of programming software.
Your theory is sound though and would certainly seem a likely cause for the problem but as no one, including CTE who make this unit seem to want to reply to emails for assistance it seems likely that the unit will end up going in the bin.

Many thanks

Dale H