Looking for small powerfull radio

Hello, I’m a new member on this forum. I have been following two way radio’s for some years. Since a year I am also following GMRS/FRS radio’s. They are more powerfull than the European PMR version (max 0,5 Watt).
I know all about ERP because I like to check the real power on this link https://gullfoss2.fcc.gov/oetcf/eas/reports/GenericSearch.cfm

Besides, I sometimes uses American radio’s on GMRS channels in Belgium and never had any difficulties with law enforcement. the channels for FRS and GMRS are simply not in use in Belgium, The Netherlands, Francs, etc…

I am now looking for a small but powerfull GMRS radio. I saw the Cobra PR-150 which has 0,72 Effective Radiated Power according to FCC. But I also sawx the Motorola FV200. However, I cannot find the FCC Tag which is needed to search the testreport. Can somebody provide this please ?

Also, according to you specialists, which is the best compact radio : the Cobra PR-150, another small Cobra radio or the Motorola FV 200 ?
I am really looking for a small powerfull customer radio. Not a large radio as for instance the GXT 600 from Midland, which I already have !:smiley:

Thanks for your kind help and best regards.

Ivan, Antwerp, Belgium (Europe)


Thanks for your post. In my experience, the range on the Motorola FV200 is very weak. We only recommend it when the customer is looking for a very small radio and range is not a concern. It sounds like range is important to you as well as size, so I would recommend the Cobra model.

The FCC ID for the FV200 is K7GFV200.

Remember… FRS/GMRS is NOT LEGAL in Europe.

FRS and GMRS are not legal or combination of them ?