LI-6700-2WXVP or gxt700?

hi guys, just found this forum, and let me say it is a much needed one. thanks for putting it up.

am looking at purchasing a set of 2 way radios, am in canada.

there’s a guy selling a set of used gxt700s and cabelas has some cobra’s LI 6700.

i like the size of the cobras, small… i have no idea what the size of the midlands is as i cant find them in any stores. any ideas?

and how about the range of these things, i’ve read good things about the midland gxt700 on these forums, but have found nothing about the cobras 6700.

oh i will be using these for camping giving one to my kid and keeping the other myself. that way he’ll have a little more freedom of movement around the campsite.

thanks for any input, its all apreciated :slight_smile:

i saw that the GXT800’s are 1X2X4 inches. I think the 700s are pretty similar size