I just got conned on aliexpress

I tend to buy one-offs from aliexpress, and over the years have probably bought many thousands of pounds worth, with zero issues. when I find good products to sel I source them via alibaba, not aliexpress.

I found a TYT radio, new to me at a very good price so ordered it to play with and assess if it was worth stocking.

It arrived today - or at least, a parcel arrived containing a broken, old Motorola battery pack. Using the tracking on the parcel, it turned out to be the 'TYT radio tracking note. So - for the first time I got scammed. Aliexpress have given me a post paid label to send it back, so I’ll report back on how I do!

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I got scammed a few weeks ago with a radio.

There was no package arrived, but tracking said delivered.

The tracking said there was a distribution center where i lived for Canada post that doesnt exist.

Im still working on getting money back.

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Curious to hear later.

Thank you so much for posting this. So guess ali is bad for scammers…did u speak with someone or was it via email?

Ever who tries to scam. Needs to be behind bars.

They all need a lesson learned from someone. Idk why ppl wont work hard for there money. Other than take from good ppl

I got the full amount credited once I returned the item in the post using the post paid label. No quibble’s