I have a mixed fleet of the new Hytera HP565’s and the HP505’s.
All are set to digital on channel 1.
If I start a private call between two radios, will this then make the channel busy for the other radios or should they still be able to transmit and receive on the channel?
Is there any way to have a private call between two radios, whilst still allowing for the others radios to talk to each other?
if you’re using a single frequency, then as they are DMR, you could program them to use both slots - so that way slot 1 can carry a conversation at the same time as slot 2 is in use. Just a case of programming
Well, yes - all in the programming. Digital radios of this type can be programmed with individual IDs, groups, or all call. So in simple terms , you create little clusters of radios, so one group would call all the radios, another would (Say in a hotel) call the housekeeper group, and another, the estates people. There are two separate ‘slots’ which should work independently - but of course, this means that with the radio set to housekeeper group on slot one, you won’t hear a call on slot two, the estates team - and while the radios can be set to scan, it puts emphasis on the users to press the right buttons. As a result, it’s just as simple sometimes to just use two frequencies. Digital can be very clever, or very simple. Clever often confuses. If you have a private call facility already, then this suggests they’re already programmed? However, they probably are sharing one slot, so one conversation at a time.