Hi from Louisiana!

How is everyone? I’m Brandon. I am a HAM radio operator, general class. I also use small FMS/GMRS radios to communicate at a second home in the woods as well as marine VHF radios for boat/shore communications from my little boat. I enjoy two-way radio chat and I’m hoping to be able to help others as well as learn a lot!

Thanks for having me!

Welcome to the forums!

I guess you do like the radio :slight_smile: You have about everything covered :slight_smile:

Welcome and 73 John KD8DVR

LOL Yea, I guess I do huh? And I forgot to mention I have a little 40 channel Uniden CB radio I throw on my truck for long trips for entertainment. Thanks for having me!


AHHHH! forgot that one :slight_smile: NOW you are truly covered :slight_smile:

Radio geeks unite :slight_smile:

