Help - 2 way radios - compatibility

I am part of a dog training group that uses radios. Our normal range is only less than a half mile. I have not trained with them for some years, and they have upgraded their radios form the low cost Motorola’s we were using, which had only channels such as channel 9 to ones that now have a decimal point such as channel 9.1. My old radios don’t work with theirs now.
I have the need to have at least 4 radios for some occasions, so I think I can use my old ones for that. But, I will need to get a new set to train with that group. I figure if I do this, I might as well get a pair that have good range for elk and deer hunting. I am leaning towards the new Midland GXT 950 due to waterproof and I like the in car charging system. Will these work with the ones the training group uses? Is the decimal point the same as the “privacy code”?


One other point I forgot - it would be convenient to have a radi clipped to belt that would pick up my voice without having to take it off the belt and raise to my mouth.


The number after the decimal point almost certainly the privacy code. If you wanted to keep your existing radios, they would work with the “9.1” ones if the users of those radios went into the menu and selected privacy code “0”.

If you’re interested in upgrading, the Midland GXT950VP4 would be 100% compatible with radios that use privacy codes and, based on the early reviews, they have excellent range.

Are you using these outdoors? If so, you have the wrong radios. FRS/GMRS radios are UHF (Ultra High Frequency) in the 460-470 MHZ range. These frequencies are absorbed by vegetation. You need VHF (Very High Frequency) radios, which are in the 150-160 MHz range. If you scrap the old ones and start over with new VHF you will save yourself a lot of frustration. Poor communications is as bad as no communications.

I wish I had found this before I bought my pair a week ago! Me and my wife could only reach 1 mile down the road and after that I lost her in static!!! I should have did more search that I did!!! VERY UNHAPPY!!! I will look for ways to MOD the antenna or anything else for that matter to just see if I can reach 8 miles! All I need is 8 miles. Not getting a close to that for a radio advertised for a possible/ up to–> 30 miles!.:mad: Scott