Hello from Arizona

Hello to all of the other radio users out there. I just joined the forum, I recently got my GMRS license and have been a scanner listener for many years. Looking forward to good information about radio’s, antennas, etc and maybe hear from a few other local desert dwellers.

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Hi WROQ359, welcome to the forum!

Welcome from another desert dweller.

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We are just about neighbors, looks like you are in Mesa and im just east of you in Apache Junction. I have issues hitting any repeaters from here, I can occasionally hear the 575 and Shaw Butte.

Hello hello
William here hi welcome to forum
I got my GMRS radio monitoring it though so I know how to talk on it.
Great I listen my scanners too but it sad when most of the services went to digital now scanner that has digital cost too dam much miss CB talking really miss those days

Not sure where you are located, but Arizona DPS (highway patrol) still uses their UHF system and you can easily monitor them even with a handheld. Phoenix Fire and the RWC operate the VHF channels used for hazard calls (fires, gas leaks, etc) picking them up can be a bit tricky depending on your location, medical calls and other assignments are on the digital system. Mesa still operates their VHF channels similar to Phoenix and a little easier to receive. Rural Metro FD, AMR (ambulance company that bought out Southwest and several others) and a few other departments are still running conventional radios. Unfortunately most Law Enforcement communications (other than DPS) have gone digital, but you can use a SDR setup on your computer to monitor the digital systems in the absence of a digital scanner.

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Greetings and welcome aboard from WRQE346 here in the Memphis TN area. GMRS seems to be really taking off around here.
As for scanner monitoring here, EVERYTHING is now digital. I have an old Bearcat analog scanner, and it’s as quiet as a mouse! Works great as a GMRS scanner, however.
As for digital scanning, I use a Uniden BCD536HP as my main at home unit and their BCD436HP handheld. Both are outstanding❗️
You’ll find a lot of nice people on the forum as well as a great source of information and the latest in new products.

Hi Tom, we have a good bit of GMRS here too and seems to keep adding. I have a couple of scanners a SDS100 that works great on the simulcast systems in there area, and a BC125AT that I use for the analog still in use. While the public safety systems going digital, still plenty to use the analog scanners for GMRS, fire mutual aid channels, aircraft, etc.

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Many thanks for the update. What really surprised me was EVERY business here converted to digital so quickly.
The Memphis area is a major distribution center and the 2nd largest air freight hub in the world, so I guess the business community felt the need to go digital, early on.

Again welcome. Glad to have you in our GMRS community👍

Tom, WRQE346

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Hey WROQ359, whereabouts are you? I’m in the East Valley (Chandler) most of the time and Show Low part time.

I moved from Arizona in September.

Another Phoenician here:
KK7IBJ on the 2m and 70cm spectrum
WROL232 on the GMRS bands

Still trying to get things figured out - especially when it comes to hitting repeaters.