GXT800VP4 questions

OK, I’m new to all this two-way radio technology and information. I’ve read as much information as I think I need to in order to choose the radios I want, but I wanted to first ask a few things here first. I’d like to go with the GXT800VP4.

  1. Can I use these radios with just the 7 FRS channels and think about getting a GMRS license at a later date? Is the 5 Watt power too much to use on the FRS channels? Are they pretty much turn on and use?

  2. I read somewhere that the GMRS license costs $80 but I couldn’t find out for how LONG this license lasts. I’m assuming then that it is life-long or is it a set period?

  3. My wife and I are rock climbers and would like to use these radios at the cliff and also in the mountains during our hikes and climbs. Do you believe these radios would be sufficient for this use?

  4. Where do I check for information regarding frequency use in other countries? I looked for this information and found a HUGE document listing many countries and many frequencies but couldn’t make heads or tails of it. In particular, could I use these radios on the FRS frequencies in Thailand?

Thanks for anyone’s help in advance!

GMRS licenses are now $85 and last 5 years. You may use the FRS only channels without a license. Maximum power output on FRS is 500 mW.

  1. FRS channels can be used without a license. You are compliant with FRS if you are using the radio on channels 1-7 and are in low power mode, or if you are simply using channels 8-14. Channels 8-14 are exclusively for FRS, and on those channels the radio will automatically switch to low power model. Expect a significant decrease in range when using FRS.

  2. As jwilkers said, a GMRS license is $85 and is valid for 5 years.

  3. I believe the Midland GXT800VP4 would work well for your situation.

  4. Unfortunately I am not aware of the legalities concerning the usage of FRS frequencies in Thailand.

I have a question about the Gxt800 2 way radio. How well does it work in wooded and hilly terrain. I ask this question because our paintball team is looking for radios that can handle that, and the 800 and 850 radios offer features that would benefit our team, i.e. privacy codes, group mode, personal radio id.

Thanks for your help


Hilly and wooded terrain is not an ideal environment for radios, but we have many paintball teams using the GXT800VP4 and have heard good feedback. Don’t be surprised if you get less than a mile of range in very thick or hilly terrain.

The Midland GXT900VP4 will be available soon, and the wattage numbers from the FCC grant are very impressive for this model. I’m going to reserve judgement until we actually test a set, but it’s possible that we will see an improvement over the GXT800.