Getting Started in Amateur Radio

The Two Way Radio Show TWRS-57 - Getting Started in Amateur Radio

We talk about the basic steps to becoming an Amateur radio operator. We’ll discuss what it takes to prepare for the Technician level amateur license exam, what to expect when taking the exam and what to do after you get your license to start off on the right foot as a respected member of the amateur radio community. We also review the T-REIGN ProHolster Case with Retractable Tether.

I don’t see a link to the show - looks more like spam to me for the web site then anything else.

I guess you need to label the radio tool bar at the bottom a little better, to show people that this is where they need to click if they wish to listen to the show…

The link to play the show is at the bottom of the article. You may not see this if you don’t have Flash installed in your browser. If this is the case, you can check out the show on Stitcher or on blubrry.

Yep - thanks…

I enjoyed the program.

Real laid back - although I am sure that they didn’t have any problems passing a 35 question / multiple guess test.

The bottom line is - for the average person that does not have any type of radio exposure - other then the CB radio or a paid radio service or public service. The ARRL or Gordon West Technician License manual is a must.

Just memorizing the questions and answers long enough to pass the test doesn’t teach anything.

I’m sitting here cringing - listening to a linked repeater system.
The problem is that any repeater owner connected to the system can link their repeater into the system as long as it is a part of the All Star system.
We get these city slickers - the ones from Philly and New York and Jersey are real bad - that don’t own a real radio and has ****** audio and horrible noises on their signals.
You hate like heck to mention it to them, because they don’t care, but you don’t want to listen to them talk - because the intelligence level is so low - that you would be better off trying to talk to someone on the CB radio.

At least CB radio is AM / not FM!

I’m going to bookmark the link and the next VE test session I have, I am going to make it a prerequisite for all to listen to the show.
I think there was a lot to be learned there - just by the way it was presented.