Getting my first GMRS RADIO

He ordered the GM-5R. This is a Part 95 certified radio for GMRS.

First, you must apply for an FRN. Then register for an account at the FCC.

From there you can proceed to apply for licenses, once you get your logon.

I found gmrs license page but what does this core thing has to do getting a license to talk on gmrs radio?

Saturn, I recommend you go to Youtube and search for Notarubicon. He has a ton of interesting videos explaining GMRS to newbs and they’re pretty funny to boot. Don’t listen to those that chastise, just work your way into radio coms at your own pace and yes, do get your GMRS license which is easy once you’ve watched a video or two on how to apply. Radio is a lot of fun but there’s a ton of hyper-critical flame throwers out there. The radio you’ve purchased looks like it’ll work fine for you but I recommend purchasing a better after-market antenna. Again, watch some more youtube vids, you’ll get there.

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Ok.sure I been watching the videos and monitoring the gmrs radio and reading the fcc rules on this . I did find something while I monitoring gmrs hear gmrs repeaters talking giving the temperature sky conditions.
I mostly think before I speak on the air

Good news…HTs are usually equally noisy everywhere :rofl:

Gmrs is a thing? I mean, people use it like CB or HAM radios?

GMRS has been around for quite awhile, and there has long been a small subset of folks who’ve used it seriously, as well as some businesses. The FCC Part 95 reform brought it into the spotlight in 2017 and the new lower license fee that was instituted last year created a huge boom in new GMRS users, particularly those who wanted to use radio as a hobby but did not want to go through the hassle of taking a test as is required for a ham radio license.

The influx of new GMRS radios for these power users during the past two years has further fueled this interest in GMRS. So, yes, it’s now become a thing.