
I came to this forum after checking out pricing on new GMRS radios.
I was looking for one that only had GMRS not GMRS/FR. As I have a GMRS License. It appears to me now that without buying a busness type radio, that aint going to happon
I was trying to locate a replacement for a very old Midland G-11 due to one of the pair no longer working.
I tryed to use a 19$ set from a bigshot store and did not get the reception I had with the Midlands, I was using them to have contact from my steel 2000ft. work shop and the house, a distance of only about 75 yards. and direct line of sight .
After aprox. 1 week of looking around this forum, I decided to go with the Midland GTX1000VP4 radios.
I decided to call my order in. After talking with Danny, for a wile and placing the order I asked about some other parts, for replacing the org. ANT. on the G-11, as it has a removable ANT, To my surprise and GREAT DELIGHT Danny offered me a direct replacement rubber duckie ANT. and said he would include it in the shipement for free.
Not only did I GET THE BEST DEAL on the Midland GTX1000VP4’s, I am going to be able to still use the old G-11.
THANK you Danny and the staff here at TwoWayRadios.com for your service and this forum, without I would have not had the abodentt information to make a prudent purchse.

The Midland GXT1000 arrived yesterday as schualed,
Included were 2 ant’s for the old G-11 that still works and a Tee shirt for the wife.:wink: That was a surprise, Thanks Danny
I put the units on the charger for the night as the owners manual states is the first charge is for 24hrs.
I replaced the Ant. on the G-11 with the one Danny included with the Midland GXT1000’s that came yesterday.
The reception between the house and the steel workshop is alot better :)between the G-11 and the EL-cheapo bigshot store unit I was trying to use.
Step one, the changing of the ant. is making things better already.:slight_smile:
I will test the reception between the house and the workshop with the GXT1000’s tonight.
If the Midland GTX1000’s work better than an old G-11 and a 19$ audiovox unit, I’LL BE ONE HAPPY CAMPER.!!:smiley:

OK OK, I tested the Midland GXT 1000’s last night from the steal workshop and the house, a distance of aprx. 75 yards and direct line of sight.
There was noplace in the workshop that I didnot have reception.
Other than using the push to talk button, it was like using a phone,
Thank you again Danny, and the staff here at BUYTWOWAYRADIOS.COM for the information, and this forum.