Why do I need a lic to opperate on gmrs channels at HI power when Tom, Dick and Harry don’t need one to opperate on a channel I’m paying for.
Like CB radio pre 1976?

GMRS and CB operate on different frequencies. Channel 1 on GMRS is not the the same as channel 1 on Citizens Band. They are two completely different bands on the radio spectrum.

To understand the differences between the two, these two episodes of The Two Way Radio Show Ep 1 -An Introduction to Consumer Radios and Ep 15 - An introduction to CB Radios are good resources and can help clear up confusion about GMRS and CB.


Rick you didn’t understand the question. I have been a CB er since about 1960 you needed a lic. then all of a sudden ever body was talking on CB NO LIC . IF the frequency is open to all and they don’t have a lic and use the frequency why should I have a lic. GMRS radio is just like CB with no SKIP.

Sorry, I did misunderstand your question. Yes, there is a valid question as to why the FCC still requires a license for GMRS when they no longer require one for CB. Looking at it one way, one would think it would be the other way around considering the fact that technically CB has the potential for greater range and interference (with skip) than GMRS. In that regard, the licensing of GMRS instead of CB doesn’t make a lot of sense. The FCC is considering the possibility of dropping the license requirement. It is likely not so much if, but just a matter of when.

As I recall, the requirement to license CB was dropped primarily because the FCC could no longer deal with the headache of trying to enforce it. So many people were jumping into CB and violations were so rampant the agency simply couldn’t keep up. The sheer volume of new license applications during that time was overwhelming, so they got rid of it.

The situation with GMRS licensing is a bit different. First, the license is a lot more expensive than a CB license was, so people aren’t so eager to pony up the money for one. Second, a lot of the general public is unaware a GMRS license is even required. There are several reasons for this, but I think it is partly due to the combining of both FRS and GMRS frequencies in many consumer radios and the fact that some of these FRS/GMRS frequencies are shared. I think this causes some confusion, particularly to new users, and a lot of them don’t really bother to even try to sort it all out.

Third, the FCC just doesn’t have the resources or the staff to enforce it. It operates on a budget like every other government agency and it simply cannot afford to go after every Joe and Jane citizen who switches over to a GMRS channel on their $20 radio to call the kids in for dinner. It’s just too much.

So, yes, to answer your question (as I understand it this time) it doesn’t seem fair and it doesn’t make sense, but it is what it is, until the FCC decides to fix the disparity. I think they will, it is just a matter of when. In the meantime, until they do so, we just need to follow their rules as they stand.