Do you have your GMRS License?

Yes. Recently got GMRS license and have had my Ham General license for about 2 yrs.

I surely hope GMRS doesn’t turn into what CB coms has become!

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New to the forum and GMRS, have used CB radios for over 30 years though.

I have a pair of the Wouxun KG-805G GMRS Two Way Radio and my call sign is WRKS739. I’m located just outside of western Philadelphia PA.



Welcome to the forum, Bill!

Thanks Rick. Hope to learn and enjoy the radio and system. :+1:

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First post here. Waiting for the price to go down to $35.00, will get it. New to the “hobby” and learning. Got a radio ordered but back ordered right now. Few accessories too…

Yes, and my ham general license.

GMRS is really not a hobby service. It’s more a utility where families and groups communicate among themselves.

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Just got my gmrs lic . It covers family use as well
Just let them know how To operate the radio and your fine

I too stopped studying form my ham lic

Not worth it for me .to be honest

Enjoy !!!

WRMT416 !!!

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Hey bill .
New Jersey here

WRMT416 getting my hand held in three days ! Can’t wait


I got my GMRS license before I got a radio. I have had an amateur license for a bunch of years, however, I don’t fit that community. I got the HAM license to be able to use the radio in the desert off-roading and for preparedness. I don’t enjoy talking on nets, and I generally don’t play well with others because I am not a hobiest. I even got my General so I could learn more about HF. I got into GMRS so I can get radios for family members who have no desire to participate in the HAM side of things. In the last few years we have had more and more power outages so it is good to have a backup plan.


Did they drop the price yet? I heard they were cutting it in half but couldn’t confirm the price when on the fcc site.

Word is, it won’t be happening until next year.

Have my GMRS license. Cell phones make it a way to pass the time and increase me knowledge but not an everyday use. Am toying with the idea of a Retevis RT97 that can be placed up on the mountain in the event of a major crisis. Since it is portable it could be used for camping as well.

I only have the 2-way radios for emergencies. (God Forbid we should have a bad one)
If we have a REAL emergency, is anybody really going to care if I have a license or not?
My 2-way radios are shared with 3 other homes close to me, 1 of which is family.
When SHTF, who cares? (I actually have a SHTF frequency list…)

What do you mean by two way radios? Are you saying ham radios that could be interfering with legitimate rescue operations or FRS/GMRS or other?

I mean the FRS/GMRS radios. THe Baofeng can monitor ham freqs. That is my intention. Will use non ham freqs to comm with neighbor & family.
But then I ask again. If there is a HUGE disaster.
Maybe I will be able to give updates for conditions in my area.
If there is such a large disaster, who cares if you have a license?
Yes, I respect the professionals whom are really engaged.

I ended up getting my GMRS license again. I was offered to test some radios and review them… so I needed a license. But it’s all good. 10 years now… a good deal.

If there is such a large disaster who cares if you have a license?

Having a “disaster” doesn’t automatically excuse anyone from all the radio laws, although slightly different laws may apply for those actually “assisting”. However, having an on-going “life-or-death” emergency might provide a narrow exemption, assuming your use qualifies. Consider: even a “Good Samaritan” can be sued for causing intentional harm.

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Got GMRS for communication with camping friends. Two weeks later, got HAM license for fun and life style.