Cobra Marine/GMRS MR-HH425LI-VP - any reviews?

HI, all - has anyone had the chance to use and review this Cobra model - MR-HH425LI-VP? I was wondering how it stacks up against other Cobras and other manufacturers. The reviews are generally positive, but one must take those with a grain of salt sometimes :wink:


i would also like to know about this new unit , anyone know any reviews on this i call the fcc about this and so far no one has called back ,i also called cobra tec two times and no one has called back to talk to me about this unit the fcc has to know some thing about this unit thay have to have some type of specs on it before thay oked it where can we find the fcc specs???:smiley:

any fcc specs yet ,anyone ???

well I bought one so what do you want to know
I like it because it works with the marine band and also GMRS band
I have used it in the Desert with a ranger of about a good 5 miles
you can scan between the two bands at the same time.
I also bought a adaptor to hook it up to a outside Marine band antenna
so far battery life is very good .