Can't get a Moto DTR700 to communicate in Private Group

Hello! I’m trying to incorporate a DLR700 into a mixed fleet of Motorola DLR110 Curves, DLR1020s and DLR1060s. The 110s, 1020s and 1060s all work well with each other in Public and Private groups. I am able to get the DTR700 working fine with Public Groups without an issue. However, I am not able to get it to work with the Private Groups of any of them. This DLR700 is going to be incorporated into all the Private Groups so the manager can scroll to a single Private Group and get a hold of anyone regardless of the site he is located.

Example: If Manager arrives to a site, all he has to to is keep the DTR700 on Team Channel. Only one Team is on-site at a time so they will be communicating on their Team Channel which only has their site radios assigned to it. He can then communicate with that Team and then move on to the next site which is MANY miles away. He can then communicate with the next on-site Team utilizing the same channel without changing the channel, etc. It is VERY rare when 2 teams are on the same site but when they are, they utilize the public channels, Call All and Page All functionality incorporated into the band plan.

I’ve confirmed (multiple times) that the IDs and Frequency Hopsets are shared throughout all the radios and the Private Group Members are assigned to that channel. But no matter which radio is on, it doesn’t work. I’ve not reached the Maximum of 6 Groups per Private as each radio only has one Private Group. It just doesn’t work.

The installed DTR700 Firmware is R01.04.00 for Radio, Keypad and Codeplug. I could not find a download or notes for R01.04.00. The latest one I could find was R01.03.00. Maybe a bug in the Firmware?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!