Buying my first radio

Hello! I am planning on buying my first two-way radio. I need help! All I know about radios is that you can press a button, talk, and your friend will hear you in no cellphone reception areas… I don’t know how to set them up, I don’t know anything about frequencies or anything of that sort.

but if someone can suggest something else then I’d take a look. My criteria is:

  • Simple
  • Small in size
  • Reliable and with a good reception range
  • WATER/HIT proof as much as possible, if possible at all.
  • Would be nice if it has some bright colors.

I am going to do:

  • Camping (mainly mountains),
  • Mountain fishing (creeks and rivers)
  • Lake fishing (inshore and offshore)
  • Hunting
  • Hiking

Effective rang:

  • if it can do 1 or even 2 miles (in real life, not what it says on a package. 35 miles and stuff like that, but then it is not when you use it in the field) I will be VERY satisfied.


First off, welcome to TWRF.

Those radios will definitely not get 36 miles of range. Bank on 1-2 miles, tops. Line of sight over water or something very flat with NOTHING between the two radios, maybe 5-6 or so.

As far as waterproof, it looks like the one you found is water resistant, but bright colors? You picked out one that was camo! :smiley:

Yes, to transmit on the higher power frequencies you would need to get a license in order to so. Jwilkers or Jeff can help point you to where you need to go for that. If you only use the FRS frequencies or the GMRS frequencies on low power though, no license is needed. There are no “private channels” with these radios. There are privacy codes, but those are not private channels.

(Here’s my cheap shot at advertising HAM radio) You can also get a hand held HAM radio, take the technicians test, spend the 15 bucks for the test and be able to use hundreds of watts of power and hundreds of frequencies without worry. You can also use repeaters with HAM radios. But I don’t think you need that much power, but you’ll spend more on a license for GMRS than you would for two HAM licenses! You would need to shuck out 85 bucks for a single GMRS license. That covers you and I believe your immediate family. You can go here to find out what you need to do:

This post had my questions and I possibly posted links to radios that I wanted to buy.
I don’t want to confuse people with what questions were already answered and what wasn’t.
For recent questions and criterias refer to my first and last posts.
My latests post will be colored RED.
All help is VERY appreciated!

A good starter set of radios is this one:
It will get about 2 miles (which is the maximum range on most radios) is durable, easy to use, and water resistant.

The radios work at low power (low range) on certain channels, those are called FRS frequencies: and they will get about a 1/2 mile range.

They also have channels that operate at full power and use GMRS frequencies: They get two miles on average.

There are a few channels that share frequencies as well but you get the basic idea.

A privacy code, is a code that two radios use to “handshake” with each other. If they both use the code you will hear only each other. Though keep in mind others can still hear you, it is just to help filter out other people.

This post had my questions and I possibly posted links to radios that I wanted to buy.
I don’t want to confuse people with what questions were already answered and what wasn’t.
For recent questions and criterias refer to my first and last posts.
My latests post will be colored RED.
All help is VERY appreciated!

Range is line of sight. If you can (could) see them, you can talk to them.

If there’s a mountain, or the planet, in the way, you can’t.

If there are a lot of trees or buildings in the way, signals will be weaker or non existant. (absorbed/blocked)

Two handie talkies held at mouth height have a maximum range of about 4-5 miles over completely flat ground with no trees or buildings in the way. Beyond that, the planet is in the way (over the horizon).

In cities, you’re generally lucky to reach 1 mile, MAYBE 2.

Note that to use GMRS, you must get an FCC license, currently about $70 for 5 years, which covers your entire family.

This post had my questions and I possibly posted links to radios that I wanted to buy.
I don’t want to confuse people with what questions were already answered and what wasn’t.
For recent questions and criterias refer to my first and last posts.
My latests post will be colored RED.
All help is VERY appreciated!

And I will continue to delete them. Please read all of our forum rules if you wish to post here:

1. Do not post links to other web sites that sell similar products. This includes ebay auctions.

This post had my questions and I possibly posted links to radios that I wanted to buy.
I don’t want to confuse people with what questions were already answered and what wasn’t.
For recent questions and criterias refer to my first and last posts.
My latests post will be colored RED.
All help is VERY appreciated!

Well the first thing I think is, It’s illegal for you to use that radio anywhere but on a boat in the water.

Somehow, I doubt that’s your intended use.

From the manual:

User Responsibility and Operating Locations
All users are responsible for observing domestic and foreign government regulations
and are subject to severe penalties for violations. The VHF frequencies on your radio
are reserved for marine use and require a special license to operate from land,
including when your boat is on its trailer.

Note that ‘special license to operate from land’ is not something an individual can get, it’s a license for marine shore stations servicing marine needs, like dockside fueling stations, marine telephone providers, and such.

■■■■… I really liked it for being so compact and neat looking =/
Then I guess I am stuck with these three choices:

Midland GXT1000VP4 Radios With Headsets and Charger
Midland GXT760VP4 Radios With Charger
Midland GXT740VP3 Radios With Charger

Would someone arrange them in a sequence: most suggested to least suggested? I’d really appreciate it…

The GXT 760 is going to have the best mix of features for the price. For a bit more the GXT 1000 has one or two more nice features and perhaps slightly more range. The 740 is an older model, but may be the best deal of the three since it is almost the same as a 760 and is currently on sale.

We have a comparison tool that helps:

They are all about equal as far as reliability and water resistance, and in truth range so it comes down to features and the accessories they come with.

Thanks Jeff and everyone else that participated. I am going for
Midland GXT1000VP4 Radios With Headsets and Charger
I didn’t even figure they were almost the same. I like GTX 1000VP4 just for the looks of it. I think it looks slightly better then the other two. Maybe I sound stupid, but I like more what I like more :wink: Even though I’ll have to pay a couple of extra bucks for it, but I think it is worth it. What ever makes one happy right?! =)

If you have any questions please let us know!