Buildings in Manhattan


I have a few buildings on one block in manhattan, I would like the doormen, management office and super all be able to communicate via two way radios. Which do you recommend. The farthest distance between buildings may be 600 feet. highest point is 6 floors. Obviously lots of interference being in manhattan. Any suggestions and information would be greatly appreciated.




Thanks for your question. If you need to communicate between buildings, I would suggest a 4 watt UHF radio for the best range. Both the Motorola AXU4100 and the BlackBox UHF radio should deliver the range that you need. Each of these radios is typically good for 20-30 floors within a single building. The Motorola model offers better voice clarity.

Please let us know if you have any other questions.


Hi Danny,

Can you please explain the difference between this type of two way radio versus some of the lesser expensive models listed on your site. For example, the difference between the models you mentioned the and T9500XLR, which lists a range of up to 25 miles.



as i stated earlier 6 floors is the top of the building…will a business model radio such as CLS1110 work?

Obviously i would like quality, but I don’t need the unneccessary expenses of the top of line.



I would not recommend a FRS/GMRS radio, such as the Motorola T9500R that you mentioned, for your application. These types of radios do not offer the range of business radios, and the range claims of 25 miles or so are unachievable except in “ideal” conditions. In typical outdoor use the T9500 will get 1-2 miles, but I would not expect it to work well between buildings in a very urban area. There are a few posts in our consumer radio forum that discuss FRS/GMRS radio range claims.

The CLS1110 would typically be fine in a single 6 floor building, but for communications across multiple buildings I think you are going to need something more powerful than a 1 watt radio. A 2 watt model like the XU2100 may do the job, but I think you’re safer with the 4 watt BlackBox UHF or Motorola AXU4100.


Hi Danny,

I’ve been looking around your site a bit more.

I found the Motorola BPR40, which is also 4 watts and UHF. Is the only difference 8 and 16 channels? If so, is this important for my needs?




The BPR40 is similar to the Motorola AXU4100 that we sell. It has the same maximum power (4 watts) but is missing a few features, primarily hands-free capability. It is almost identical, feature wise, with the BlackBox UHF that we carry.

It doesn’t sound as if the number of channels would be a concern for you. Channels provide a way for you to divide your users up into groups. For example, a hotel may have housekeeping on one channel and maintenance on another. That would allow a manager to monitor all communications, but housekeeping wouldn’t have to be interrupted listening to maintenance’s transmissions.

Let us know if you have any other questions.


Danny, Im also in NY and I just purchased the Blackbox UHF as per the Danny’s recomendation.
I must say I’m very pleased with the performance, but the Blackbox is kinda no frills, there’s no signal/battery meter or hi/lo indicator which I would like.
Performance wise is great! I was testing it in Queens Center Mall and I had my friend stay at the end of JCPenney and I was able to walk all the way to the corner of BestBuy (.4miles on Google Earth) through major buildings with lots of interference and the signal was mostly clear and loud.
The signal was clear and audible, I think for staff, the no-frills Blackbox is good enough.
I’m not even sure if I’m using the full 4watts with this thing since its’ hard to tell.