Best Advice for Wedding Coordinators


I’m a wedding coordinator from the philippines. We have relatives in cincinatti that’s planning to go visit us this june. I was thinking of buying 2 sets of two way radio for my little business. Areas I usually need it for are at Hotel Ballrooms,Gardens and church grounds.

After reviewing your past threads, i got more confused as to what model and brand to buy. Here in manila the most popular choice are motorola handsets but they come in very expensive–compared to your prices. basing on your threads: a Motorola T9500 seems to be a good choice–just need to buy headset or earpiece coz it’s not included in the pack. On the otherhand, you often recommend the Midland GXT800-VP. Plus the Tri-square radios seems to be a good choice too, especially their TSX-300 2VP since its sort of like the new age radios as some of the guys call it.

I’d really appreciate it if you’d be able to advice me which of the three brand/models would best.

Kindly included shipment cost to cincinatti aswell. Thanks so much in advance and i hope to hear from you soon.

The TriSquare’s would be perfect for your situation. Range isn’t going to be a big issue for you, and the TriSquare’s are small, lightweight, and have great clarity. A big plus is that they use the same headsets as Motorola Talkabout radios, so you have a ton of headset choices.