Best 10-meter FM Repeaters

Does anyone have a current list of the best 10-meter FM repeaters for hams in the U.S. Canada, and Mexico? I am interested in repeaters that are:

  • Open to all licensed amateurs

  • Heavily used

  • Easy to get into and easy to hear using a simple 10m FM mobile setup

  • Recently heard on 10m

Thanks in advance.

The ARRL Repeater Directory has a list of active 10m repeaters in the US. They publish a desktop and pocket edition each year.

There are a number of repeater directories listed on the Internet. has a list of 10 meter repeaters.

However, technicians are not licensed for the 10 meter band, so it is not accessible to all hams.

For more information on repeaters, listen to The Two Way Radio Show Podcast TWRS-68 - An Introduction to Repeaters.

Technicians have limited privileges on 10 meters. AM and FM are not accessible to technicians. SSB only on 28.300 to 28.500 CW and data on 28.000 to 28.300

I don’t hear much activity on the 10 meters repeaters.

The only 10 meters repeaters I hear from my location is the one in Dallas TX and the one down in Puerto Rico.

10 meters is strange because it involves chordial hops which might be 500 / 1000 / 1500 miles or multiples of those distances.

Coast to coast would sometimes be easier when the band is open then to talk to a local repeater 100 miles away…

I do not know of any active 10 meters repeaters in Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, or West Virginia.

A technician license should not be a hindrance to using a 10 meter repeater, because a Technician Class License is a starting place, not a stopping place.
It shouldn’t take you more then 2 weeks to read the book and another two weeks to study to upgrade your license if you are a real ham!