Baofeng DM1701 no audio in digital

Hello All,

I have a brand new DM-1701, in analogue it is working great, But in digital i have no sound, I have tryed mutltiple TG and contact , RX group, even an ALL CALL config but still no audio, the call data is showing up but no audio, I have tick and untick groupmatch no change.
I am running factory firmware and using Baofeng CPS v01.05 and firmware CSV 2.03 of radioaudity

do you have another DMR radio to check it against, or are you using repeater access?

Yes i have a Vertex VXD-7200 and it is working great. this why i am confuse.

and they can talk to each other direct?

No audio on the DM-1701 still

Well I Would Go To Radio Reference And See If You could find anything about it
link here Radio Reference Wiki Page

If you’re confused and stuck, a visit to that page will fry your brain even more. The snag here is to do with one of two things. Is the radio getting into the repeater and being routed properly (as in waking up the correct talk groups) and getting out to the folks listening, but NOT your own radio, which has a problem in the receive section - OR - is the radio not getting in. This is where another radio that works on a repeater is essential, or other hams who know what you’re doing. I’ve messed up both in the past. I was getting into the repeater fine - everyone could hear me, but I couldn’t hear the repeater. Other times my radio was silent because I wasn’t actually being routed out properly. Comparing the code plugs between working radio and problem radio may highlight an error, but other things get in the way. It’s nearly impossible to just copy a codeplug between brands, because something is always different from what you think it is. Patience and trial and error I suspect.

I have the exact same problem. Have been trying everything but no luck.

you could host the file somewhere and we could try loading it up? we can’t test it, but might spot an error?

Here is my code plug

I’ll have a look tomorrow

here is the official BAOFENG support response :slight_smile:
Thanks a lot for the information.

There may be something wrong with the radio. I totally understand your frustration that your radio does not work properly. Here is the warranty on our website:Warranty - Baofeng.

I wish I could help, but Baofeng’s limited warranty applies to only all brand-new items sold by baofengradio dot com. At the same time, we authorize products and related warranty services to our dealers.

In this case, I would highly suggest you contact the Aliexpress seller to give you a solution. Hope you can solve your problems ASAP!

Hope for your kind understanding.

Have a nice day.



Baofeng Support Team

Hey @Andre_Thiffault , I have two 1701’s and I have the same experience on both. No audio but I see the contact and transmitter light turn green when receiving. Have you figured out what the issue was?

It won’t help much but I finally got around to looking at the codeplug and I can’t see anything leaping out with the digital channels. I assume the ones that are in there are all transmitted without encryption? Being a Brit, I don’t know what they actually are - but the cc and slot details look pretty standard, so I don’t see anything odd. I hoped I had a 1701 in the store, but I haven’t - so can’t test it for real. P

Andre, I took a look at your code plug and I see several issues. First every channel I checked you have set to Rx Only. So you can’t transmit there. A more important issue is you did not program in your DMR ID. This is located in the top right of the General Settings page. And it appears that you have not registered for an ID.

so, this pretty much guarantees that you will not have audio on DMR.