Are all radio legal to use at businesses (copyright speaking)

I am new here btw.

Are all radios legal to use at all businesses?

BTW is general discussion also off-topic or no?

You need a FCC business license for most freq. The frs and some gmrs you do not.

Um, excuse me. You certainly DO need a license for GMRS. And no more non-personal licenses are issued.
For a business all employees must either be individually licensed, or be immediate family.

All radios need to be type approved for Buisness service. In Canada the only
only Ham radios are exempt for amature service as it is considered experimental.

What about the convers of this question? Are business radios OK to use for personal use (assuming a GMRS license, of course?)

Yes they are. Provided they are also type accepted for GMRS use. Many are.