Amateur radio as a family friendly hobby

We talk with a father and his son about amateur radio and how it serves as a family friendly hobby. We also review the Motorola MHP81 Electronic Hearing Protection Headset.

The Two Way Radio Show Podcast
TWRS-69 - Amateur Radio as a Family Friendly Hobby

I thought that was a great show.
Your son sounds a lot like Dale Earnhardt jr when he was just a boy.

Great to see that you two have found something in common to do together.

Now is the time to start studying for your general class license together and to look for a good first HF radio.

With the school roundup just around the corner and the January VHF contest, it would be great to see you put up a tower and a 6 meter beam antenna and make some simplex HF contacts.

Keep up the good work.

Maybe in the future, your show could do more amateur radio related things other then walkietalkies and repeaters UHF / VHF…

It would be great for you guys to go out and find a club or two to join and tell us about your experiences.

Field Days is just 6 months away, which is also a good incentive to get your General Class license.

Just a reminder, now that you are a ham, other then a GOTA station, you cannot work 3rd party on HF without your general class license, not even for Field Days.

This is one reason why so many clubs puts their GOTA station on 6 or 10 meters.

Maybe you could interview some more hams for your show and find some new topic’s to cover… Just an idea.

Merry Christmas.