Advise Please


i have a few questions but don’t trust the big corporate sales company’s to answer me honestly so i thought googling a forum would be the best shot.

The company i am running are currently looking at running UHF radios for our response drivers not just our door supervisors (bouncers)

I was wondering if an alarm response officer had a handheld 5w unit (icom) and a 40w maxon unit in his vehicle and he had to transmit out of the range that the icom covered would the maxon boost his transmission on a sort of piggyback way? as he would be out of his vehicle and unable to pop back to update his control room. The range covered could be anywhere from 500meters to potentially 15miles.

Any answers or suggestions on how this could work would be appreciated .

Sorry i just realised there is a topic open for this post…

Sorry Admin :o