2 way for Papua New Guinea


I’m looking for the best radios for basic communication in a remote and fairly rugged environment. I saw the Motorola 8510 pack at Costco for like $70 (3 8500’s, chargers and ear pieces). From some quick research it sounds like the Midland gxt800’s are the best on range and durability so I’m leaning that way (assuming there’s no advantage to get the 850’s). Any others I should be looking at in the sub $100 range?

I am also not sure what the GMRS thing is and if that will affect me at all in the boonies.

My wife and I are moving to PNG to do missionary work. If anyone out there knows of any ministry discounts please let us know!


I think the Midland GXT800VP4’s would be a good choice for you. If you like the Motorola line, the T9500XLR may be a better choice than the T8500. It has a longer antenna which will allow for more range. We have also seen clarity issues with the T8500, to the point that we have stopped carrying this model.

GMRS refers to the frequencies that the radios use. If you are not going to be using the radios in the United States then this will not affect you. You should, however, confirm that the frequencies of these radios are legal to use in the countries that you will be travelling through.