Radioddity GC-6

my radio says input password I need help

can somebody help me

someone reply please

I have never heard of that before. Did you purchase the radio new? If so I would contact Radioddity. Also, is the radio a GC-6 or GC-5? I can’t find GC-6 on Radioddity’s wedsite.

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There are a few reasons why no one responded right away. First, this is an open, public forum, so responses will depend on when the members log in and see it.

Second, there are many, many radios out there and they all have different operational features and functions. You are asking about a specific model, so the responses will also largely depend on who may also have experience with that model and be familiar with its particular quirks and features.

Third, forums are communities, and as such there is generally a standard protocol of etiquette to at least introduce oneself before jumping in to request help. Or course, the members are happy to help, just remember that they are all doing so in their own free time.

Finally, and this is very important, in order to help, we need more information with as much detail as possible. Just saying that your radio wants you to input a password doesn’t give anyone much to go on. We can’t see or inspect it physically, so if you want us to diagnose an issue and offer a potential solution, you need to provide as much information as possible.

I can’t find a GC-6 either. Assuming it’s a GC-5, then somebody must have entered a password, as they don’t need one by default. Have you tried to connect it to your computer? We’ve not got a lot to go on?