KG-UV9GX vs KG-905G vs KG-935G

What is the most reliable and best-performing GMRS radio? KG-905G is well liked and KG-935G adds features but isn’t super het KG-UV9GX isn’t sold by two way radio.

I own or have owned all three of these radios. All three radios are well built. The KG-935G is my goto radio. It will RX pretty much what the UV9GX will and has a higher IP rating. I have used/tested all three of these radios side by side with multiple after market antennas over several known distances. The 935G, even though it isn’t a superhetrodyne radio, was always as good TX as the other two radios and actually a little better RX than the UV9GX.

The 905G doesn’t RX as widely as the other two but is still a great radio. It is also very simple to use. As I said, The 935G is my preferred radio. I don’t think you could be go wrong with any of the three. It depends on what you want to do with your radio.

Good luck.

Great info. Now leaning toward KG-935G. Have read other reports of great performance despite not being super het. Have a ham and GMRS license but FCC rules require a seperate GMRS only transceiver.

I have had the 905G for a couple of years and can’t complain. It is very easy to program using the Wouxun software, unfortunately the 905G is not supported by RT Systems like the 935G is. The stock antenna does well enough, and plenty of available accessories.

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